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Thomas W. Carroll #1 Buffalo New York

Thomas W

Thomas W. Carroll, Erie County Division One


Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, Incorporated






November Meeting: During the November meeting we discussed: finishing touches needed for our annual Christmas Party, updating on our up and running web site, procedures for initiation of new members in February and the Freedom for all Ireland Christmas appeal.  We also talked about the Sean MacBride Nomination and the St. Patrick books.

A Little Book of St. Patrick: As we mentioned before, this is a new project by the AOH to tell the true story of St. Patrick by promoting the sale of this book as small gifts to be given on St. Patrick’s Day.  It is also designated as an excellent fundraiser for the Division.  Plans are proceeding to sell these books during the month of February and March, mostly through the Catholic School system.  The point of contact for the book is Chris Weitz.

Election of Officers: Congratulations to our new board of officers.  The Slate of Officers elected at the November meeting is: Charles E. Treanor for President, Paul Lyons for Vice President, James P. O’Brien for Recording Secretary, James McGeever for Financial Secretary, Michael Liszewski for Treasurer, Chris Weitz for Chairman of the Standing Committee, Bill Powers for Marshal and Norm Hamilton for Sentinel.  Being an officer for our Division is often hard work and many a time consists of completing thankless tasks that no one else wants to do.  That being said taking the position of an officer in a grand organization like the AOH is both an honor and a privilege.  By assuming that role an officer automatically becomes a leader in the Irish Community (whether he wants to or not) with all the responsibilities, cares, and honor that it entails.  As Bold Robert Emmet said in his

speech from the dock “It was only my duty”.

Christmas Party: Many thanks to the hardworking duo of Jim McGeever and Paul Lyons, plus all their assistants, for the superb job that they did organizing and running our Christmas party.  They made it look easy, which is one of the hardest things to do.  If you were unable to attend, you missed a great time.  Our goal for 2005 is to keep up the excellent quality of the evening while increasing attendance at this event.  “Though their numbers were few, their hears beat true.”

November Speaker: Noted local historian Ed Patton gave a talk entitled “Irish Roots in Buffalo.”  Ed’s talk was informative and very well received.  We all hope to hear from him again soon.

AOH Clothing: Chris Weitz still has a selection of clothing with the AOH logo embroidered on them for immediate sale.  You can get Sweatshirts or Golf Shirts in blue or green.  Sweatshirts are $28.00 and Golf Shirts are $26.00.  All clothing is of very high quality.

New Speakers: If you are interested in giving a talk on an Irish subject to the AOH we still have some meetings that are open.  See President Charlie Treanor for details.

Active Web Site:; Our new web site for the Division is at “”.

January Speaker: Jim O’Brien will give a talk entitled “Rifles of the IRA”.  This will encompass the small arms used in the struggle for and against Irish Freedom, from the time of the ‘98 rebellion to the modern day troubles.  Jim is a long time member of the National Rifle Association and a retired member of the New York Army National Guard Infantry (Rainbow Division).