Full-Member Donation and Dues

Please consider joining or renewing your membership as a Full Member of the Treinfhir Clan. Dues-paying members can participate in the biennial general meeting and will receive information regarding Clan finances and other important material. This is in addition to being a member of the website, which is free.

These funds will go to a general account and will be used for any project as approved by the Treinfhir Board. Biennial dues are €30. Please list yourself and additional people for whom you are paying dues in an email to the website administrator. Any amount above the dues will be treated as a donation – thank you very much!

Please use the Donate link below. You can choose to pay with your credit card (i.e. you do not need a PayPal account). Enter the amount (in euros) after you select the link. The amount in your currency will be indicated before you finalize the transaction.

[wp_paypal button=”donate” name=”Please apply this to my membership dues (€30) and treat any excess as a donation.”]